Small Wonders

In addition to full-size orchids, we have a small, but growing, contingent of mini orchids in our collection. Most were purchased from Andy's Orchids in Encinitas, CA, where they have an amazing, extensive collection of minis in addition to other rare orchid species. Not only do they make great stocking-stuffers for Cheyenne, they're fascinating to view and grow, proving the old adage that big things often come in small packages. Here are a few from our collection...

Haraella Odorata is a perpetual bloomer from Taiwan. Blooms measure about an inch across.

Epidendrum ellipticum from Peru. Blooms measure about a half inch across.

Really tiny, really cool-- the blooms on this Pleurothallis ornato from Mexico almost resemble fringed cowboy chaps up close. This is our smallest mini to date, with the blooms just pushing about a quarter of an inch.

We also have a mini dracula and a domingoa keinastii from Mexico (somewhat resembles a flying toad; like the haraella odorata, which resembles a bee or other flying insect, their blooms take on the characteristics of pollen spreading insects in order to attract them and thereby insure the propagation of the species).

For a look at more amazing minis, check out Andy's Orchids.


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